Armidale student to take part in virtual STEM camp

07 Dec 2020

The Australian Government is encouraging more young minds from the New England to pursue their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with support for an Armidale student at a virtual summer camp later this week.

Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said Chiyo Brown from Presbyterian Ladies College Armidale has been invited to participate in the Curious Minds program that brings together more than 120 young women from all over Australia to pursue their interest in STEM at its virtual Summer Camps.

“The Curious Minds program provides an opportunity for Year 9 and 10 girls to explore their interests and build confidence in STEM subjects,” Mr Joyce said.

“I want to congratulate Miss Brown from Presbyterian Ladies College Armidale and hope all participating students learn new skills and gain the confidence to pursue a career in STEM after school. 

“I also give thanks to the College on its support for students in this field.

“Because of COVID-19, these high-potential young women will take part in a virtual four-day intensive program, including online challenges, followed by six months of coaching sessions with inspiring female mentors working in the STEM community.

“I encourage other young girls in the New England with similar dreams to get involved and also pursue their passion for STEM.

“STEM skills are vital to future jobs and Australia’s future economy, and our Government is committed to empowering young women to excel in these areas.”

The Australian Government has provided $2.35 million to expand the camp to include Curious Minds West Coast and Curious Minds East Coast programs.

The virtual east camp will be held from 13-16 December.

More information on the program is available here.


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