Taking action to reduce domestic violence in the New England Electorate

30 Oct 2016

The Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the Coalition Government has today taken further action to reduce domestic violence against women and children.

Backed with $100 million in funding, the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull has launched the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

Last year more than 100 women were killed or were the victims of attempted murder in family and domestic violence-related homicides.

Mr Joyce said domestic violence has an impact right through communities.


“It hurts us all. It ruins the lives of individuals, destroys families and breaks communities. It simply has to stop,” he said.

“This Action Plan provides the leadership, policies and resources required to make a real difference in keeping women and children safe,” Mr Joyce said.

The Third Action Plan sets out 36 practical actions under six priority areas:

preventing and intervening early to address attitudes and practices that excuse, justify and promote violence against women and children;

improving responses and supports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians experiencing family violence, through partnership approaches;

providing greater support and choice for women and children leaving or trying to leave family and domestic violence, such as safe, accessible and affordable housing;

sharpening the focus on sexual violence and our response to victims, including more support for frontline services and improving the way forensic evidence is collected;

responding to children living with violence, such as improving interactions between the family law, child protection and family violence systems; and

holding perpetrators accountable across all systems, targeting behavioural change responses and improving referrals to support services.

"The scourge of domestic violence affects all cultures, demographics and communities.


“This Action Plan builds on previous work by governments, non-government organisations and the community and will make a real difference in keeping women and children safe,” Mr Joyce said.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 000. For sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling services call 1800RESPECT or visit www.1800RESPECT.org.au



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